Foot Morphology

These foot scans are to show the forefoot of different animals and its evolutionary adaptations to their environmental stimuli. Each foot bone was scanned using a Artec 3D Spider Scanner and later edited in Atec Professional Studios and ZBrush. Artwork depicting each animal was made in Procreate.

These are interactive 3D models which display the texture, contour, and relations of every foot bone in the animal’s forefoot. QR codes are in the bottom right hand corner, that will bring the user to the 3D interactive model. Each can be seen under the University of Dundee’s Museum Collections on Sketchfab.

All specimens were provided by the D’Arcy Thompson Museums. Special thanks to Matthew Jarron at the D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum.

Comparative foot morphology consist of comparing the form of limb structures of a variety of terrestrial vertebrates. Understanding the characteristics may be due to related factors such as environment, age, bilateral asymmetry, gender, or body mass index. Here we can see the forefoot of a variety of different animals and their natural habitat.



Chamois Skull


Polycystic Kidney